CBD and medicinal plant uses around the world

For centuries, medicinal plants have been used around the world to relieve and cure various ailments. The hemp plant was one of them before it was banned in the 1930s. It served as an important aid, especially for pain, coughs and wounds. But other medicinal plants such as milk thistle and mugwort were also important in helping people.
Brief overview of the most important medicinal plants
There are, of course, countless medicinal plants in the world. Some of them grow in our latitudes and our grandparents and great-grandparents knew how to use them. They handed down the recipes, but unfortunately many have been forgotten. In recent years, however, many people are again remembering what medicinal plants can do. Not least because chemically produced medicines can have more side effects than they help. Therefore, medicinal herbs are experiencing a comeback in a class of their own. Therefore, we would like to list various medicinal plants here that are particularly strong and effective for various ailments. First and foremost is hemp, or more precisely the CBD oil that is extracted from it.
As early as the 4th century, the Greeks and Romans were aware of its psychoactive effects. However, hemp was used more as a medicine than to get high. Cannabis itself was first mentioned in an occidental writing around 50 AD. It says: "Green made into juice and instilled, it is a good remedy for ear ailments."
In Arabic, cannabis, among other things, found its real zenith in the 10th century. Here, not only the seed but also the herb was used as a medicine for all kinds of pain.
In early medieval Europe, on the other hand, hemp was used as an aid for the stomach. It was said to be a healing food and to loosen phlegm. It was also said to reduce bad juices and strengthen good ones. Hemp was also used for headaches and concentration problems. At the same time, a cloth soaked in hemp was applied to ulcers and wounds to soothe them.
Cannabis was a folk medicine in the 18th century and was made from the seeds. Oils or emulsions were used, which were mainly used for pain. However, hemp preparations were also administered for rheumatism, rabies, cholera, convulsions and tetanus, as well as for delirium. Then cannabis became more and more a means of becoming intoxicated. Although studies were already underway for asthma and bronchitis, cannabis was banned in the 1930s.
Now, however, it is on the rise again and cannabis, from which CBD oil is extracted, is making an absolute comeback. And rightly so! Because the versatility of CBD oil makes cannabis a very wide-ranging product that can provide relief for almost all illnesses.
Milk thistle
Milk thistle contains silymarin in its seeds, which is excellent for treating liver diseases. It strengthens the liver and prevents damage from poisoning or inflammation. But studies [1] have also shown that silymarin can weaken harmful substances from the liver, thus protecting and strengthening the organ. At the same time, milk thistle also helps to speed up the regeneration of liver cells.
Mugwort is an inconspicuous medicinal plant, but it is very powerful. The medicinal herb is native to Central Europe and grows wild, which is why it is accessible to everyone. Mugwort is an important medicinal herb, especially for women's complaints and complaints of the digestive system [2]. It does not matter whether one suffers from flatulence, digestive problems or loss of appetite. Mugwort is also an important remedy for menstrual cramps, biliousness and all kinds of cramps.
Psyllium seeds originate from India. There they have been used as a medicinal plant for centuries. They contain soluble dietary fibre [3] and have an enormous swelling capacity. And this is exactly what makes the small seeds an important aid against sluggishness of the intestines. Because they can increase in size significantly, an irritation is triggered in the intestines, which helps to empty the bowels more quickly. Thus, psyllium seeds are also an important aid in bowel cleansing. However, it is important to always take in enough liquid, otherwise the psyllium seeds can lead to constipation.
Due to the high content of mucilage, psyllium is also often used for haemorrhoids and stomach ulcers, as the mucilage protects the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines and thus helps them to regenerate.
Burdock root
We are probably all familiar with burdock root - it sticks to clothing, in the fur of dogs and cats and is difficult to remove. But it is precisely these properties that make burdock root so interesting for our blood. The small fruits have a sticking or, more precisely, binding property and can thus bind heavy metals to themselves. This means that they are excreted from the body more quickly. Other advantages of this medicinal plant include its diuretic, antibacterial and antifungal properties. For skin problems, burdock root can be used as an oily extract.
Of course, there are many other important medicinal herbs such as dandelion or nettle. These also have many good properties, but basically everyone knows them. The above-mentioned plants are less well known, which is why we have explained them in more detail.
Among other things, both medicinal plants have a diuretic effect and can thus be used to help with kidney problems. But stinging nettle is also an important helper in alleviating complaints with the skin, muscles and joints.
Dandelion, on the other hand, is an effective remedy for high blood pressure, coughs and constipation. In addition, dandelion salad tastes very good and at the same time supports blood circulation, removes metabolic waste products more quickly and reduces the risk of rheumatism and gout. Dandelion is also recommended for the stomach and intestinal tract, as it can successfully combat flatulence, digestive problems and bloating.
[1] Federico A, Dallio M, Loguercio C. Silymarin/Silybin and Chronic Liver Disease: A Marriage of Many Years. Molecules. 2017 Jan 24;22(2):191. doi: 10.3390/molecules22020191. PMID: 28125040; PMCID: PMC6155865.
[2] Wang Y, Sun YW, Wang YM, Ju Y, Meng DL. Virtual screening of active compounds from Artemisia argyi and potential targets against gastric ulcer based on Network pharmacology. Bioorg Chem. 2019 Jul;88:102924. doi: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2019.102924. Epub 2019 Apr 13. PMID: 31005783.
[3] Morozov S, Isakov V, Konovalova M. Fiber-enriched diet helps to control symptoms and improves esophageal motility in patients with non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease. World J Gastroenterol. 2018 Jun 7;24(21):2291-2299. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v24.i21.2291. PMID: 29881238; PMCID: PMC5989243.
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